Well if you have been reading these blog entries and/or have been with me for the past twelve weeks, it has been no secret that I have been working towards completing a PM1 referral. For many months it has been one hell of a stressful journey with many worries but on Thursday just gone, I was provided with the outcome of my referral submission. It is with immense pleasure and pure joy, that I can say that I have passed the PM1 referral stage and I can now continue with the PhD journey. What a relief this was to read. After all the stress and the emotional roller coaster I was on, this has been such a positive moment within my academic research. I can not thank my supervisory team, Anneke, Gareth and Monty enough, always helpful and supportive (even when two days before the referral VIVA, I am in a mess...).
So what was fed back to me? -
'The student has made significant and vital improvement in his understanding towards key terms within his research. There is an initial level of criticality necessary for him to develop the research further.
The research question is much more defined with specific aims and objectives.'
Simple feedback, clear and to the point, I can not fault that. Again really pleased to read knowing I have achieved what was asked for. With all feedback, there will be a presentation of positive comments (as above) but there will always be suggestions for improvements. Below evidences what has been suggested to me.
'Some of the key terms, such as ‘wilderness’, ‘remoteness’ and ‘intimacy’, can be greatly expanded in terms of their critical depth, and their specific meaning in this research. For example, is ‘remoteness’ more a feeling, instead of a physical existence? And, why is it necessary to experience ‘remoteness’ and why does it generate a feeling of ‘intimacy’? ‘Intimacy’ with what? Can art installations fully represent, or re-enact, or create this mixed feeling of ‘remoteness’ and ‘intimacy’? Since it’s an art installation, it is by definition, not ‘remote’, right? Will your work contribute to the knowledge of installation art? If yes, how? If not, how?'
I believe the feedback for suggested development is good and there are questions that can provide further support to the research journey. I provided a the panel with a critical understanding of terms, but I kept it within a concise parameter. I do believe I could have expanded each term and this is where the panel are stating that I could have done this. I will work towards the suggested developments over the next twenty two months, including my own research plans, ready for the PM2.
As for moving forward, I am having a little break for a week or two, just to enjoy other parts of my life, away from the academic rigour. Luckily the Easter break is currently in effect and I am away from my teaching, so I see this as a great time for a break. However, due to this Easter holiday, I understand that this is a great opportunity for myself to explore another solo camping residency. My last residency occurred at Pettico Wick Bay in Aug/Sept last year and so, this latest residency will be my first of 2023.
The first residency of 2023, will be based on the border of England and Scotland around the last part of the Pennine Way. With my research question exploring remoteness and intimacy discovered on durational walks in the landscapes of northern England and Southern Scotland, I want to get an early start on the this next stage within the research. I have a good research question and an aim and set of objectives to guide me through and within my residencies. I aim to collect materials to form and construct installations that communicate my experiences from these residencies and from collecting materials, I hope to contextualise the experienced feelings into installation outcomes. It is said then, that within this next residency I will look to gather, collect and formalise materials and feelings. I am yet to understand how I might achieve this, but through the methods of photography, writing and walking I am able to apply these technologies to this new geographical location and hopefully collect material.
I will be heading to Kirk Yetholm, where I will leave my car and walk towards Auchope Rigg mountain refuge. From there, I will look to travel to Hens Hole. The walk back and forth is around fourteen miles and should take around six hours without stopping however, I will be stopping and creating work and possibly camping over, depending on the weather (as it has taken a turn today). This is a new location for me, but one that is of natural beauty, away from urbanisation, but there is a man-made walk way as part of the Pennine Way. This path will give guidance to my residency but at the mountain refuge I will leave the track and head to Hens Hole.
I am looking forward to this residency, and hopefully I will achieve some interesting outcomes. From my return I will update my experience within the form of a new blog post.
