‘What’ before ‘why’ – (Denscombe 2010)
In all honesty, this was the one section of my research proposal I was stuck on....
'What the hell is the difference between method and methodology?'
I think I lost count on the amount of times I asked myself this because (as what anyone would do) my internet search findings never gave a clear description. I could not fathom A. why no one could give a clear explanation for the two and B. why is it so complicated to just simply state the difference?
Obviously I did find out (or I would be not sat here writing a PhD blog) but this morning I took part in some research training that was provided by the University of Bradford and delivered by Dr Russell Delderfield. It was a two hour long session which asked for participation in the form of zoom chat answers and this set the tone as a friendly, participatory, thought provoking seminar. My intention for this session was for me to be given clear, academically verified, detailed description of what the difference is between 'method' and 'methodology'. I was wanting reassurance and that was delivered to me via this seminar.
Below I have copied my notes into this body so that if you were confused like me, maybe this will help.
Methods = Critical & descriptive
Methodology = Critical & Persuasive
- Close description of data collection and analysis and related instrumentation
- Any relationships between collection and justification
- Reliability = validity
- The why stuff?
- Theoretical foundation of how something will work.
- How this worked for your study
- Influence of research question and analysis
- Interrelationships between researched and researcher
What was also useful was knowing how to determine the first steps of the methodology of your research.
-What is being studied?
- Past events?
- Texts?
- People?
- Physical or meta-physical material?
What assumptions are you making?
- What contributes reality?
- What can be investigated?
- How can the problem be resolved?
What does your question or hypothesis require?
- Exploration
- Proof
Book recommendation - An Introduction to the philosophy of Methodology’ – Kerry E Howell
- Justifies methods – theorises methods

https://www.researchgate.net/figure/A-process-for-doing-phenomenological-research_fig2_302588250 (2021)